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Welcome to the BWiSTEM 2.0 Summit!

Join us for the 5th annual Black Women in STEM 2.0 Summit, a transformative event dedicated to empowering and uplifting women of color in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Manufacturing!

This Years Theme:
We Rise By Lifting Others

The 2024 BWiSTEM 2.0 Summit is centered around the theme “We Rise by Lifting Others.” This theme underscores our commitment to community, collaboration, and mutual support. Through this collective effort, we aim to amplify the voices and successes of Black women in STEM, fostering a culture where everyone can thrive.


Friday, October 18th 2024



9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Happy Hour

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM


Seattle University

901 12th Ave

Seattle, WA 98122


Breaking Barriers: Black Women Leading in Technology

Join trailblazing Black women in tech as they share stories of resilience, overcoming bias, and their paths to success. This panel highlights their achievements and calls for a more inclusive tech industry.

Human Centered AI - Building An Inclusive Future 

Discover how to design AI systems that reflect human values like empathy, fairness, and transparency. This workshop addresses the risks of bias and exclusion, and explores how to ensure AI serves humanity.

No Gatekeeping! Wealth is Health

Learn how financial resources can improve well-being by providing access to healthcare, nutritious food, and stress-relief activities. This session highlights the vital link between wealth and leading a healthy lifestyle.

EmpowerHer: A Conversation on Women’s Wellness!

Explore wellness with experts in health, fitness, and empowerment. This panel will inspire and educate attendees on what it means to be a well Black woman today, focusing on mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

The Bridge Between Education + STEM

A discussion on increasing Black women's representation in STEM through education. This session explores systemic challenges and actionable solutions to drive change and foster inclusion.

Candle Pouring with Noir Lux

An interactive and creative candle-pouring experience with Noir Lux, combining relaxation with a touch of art.


Check out the feedback from past participants to see for yourself!

"I wouldn't say I had a favorite part because the whole thing was my favorite... there were multiple fantastic experiences that I'm taking away."

Why  Attend the Summit?



Gain insights from leading Women of Color in various STEM disciplines.

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Connect with professionals and peers who are at the top of their fields in technology, entrepreneurship, and leadership.



Companies can access a diverse talent pool, ready to meet the challenges of the digital workforce.

We Would Love To See You There! Register Below!




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We'll See
You There!

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